Congratulations Dr. Gil Mor - Awarded an RO1 entitled: Mechanisms of Trophoblast-Induced Immune Modulation from NIH/NIAID
Dr. Mor, has been awarded an RO1 entitled "Mechanisms of Trophoblast - Induced Immune Modulation" from the National Institutes of Health / The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH / NIAID). This is a five year award in the amount of $1,925.000.
Scope of the Research: This application is in response to the RFA: AI-18-023 “Immune Mechanisms at the Maternal-Fetal Interface”. The adverse impact of emerging infections during pregnancy underscores the importance of understanding interactions between the mother's immune system and infectious agents because implications extend not only to the mother, but to the health of the embryo, fetus, and neonate. The premise of this application is that the placenta functions as an immune-regulatory organ and a viral infection can disrupt the synergistic activity between the maternal immune system and the trophoblast leading to detrimental effects to the fetus and the mother.
Dr. Mor, formerly at Yale University, joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in February 2019. We are excited about his research and the collaborative opportunities he has brought to the department.
Chaur-Dong Hsu, MD, MPH, FACOG
Chair & Frank P. Iacobell Professor