Resident Research

An original research project is required for all residents for completion of their training in the WSU Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program. Upon completion, this project would be presented at an annual Resident/Fellow Research Day. There are multiple purposes to this requirement.

  • Enhances the learning of the trainee regarding research concepts.
  • Improves the trainee's knowledge and practice of evidence-based medicine.
  • Provides an objective measure that the Residency Program meets one of its Resident Review Committee (RRC)requirements regarding trainee research and scholarly work.
  • Assists trainees interested in careers in academic medicine by the production of a project suitable for peer review.

To ensure that all residents are successful in the completion of their research project on time, a timeline with key target dates for the completion of the research projects follows.

PGY 1 Residents

February 1: Identify 2 possible research projects and a faculty preceptor(s) for these projects. One of the two projects will be designated as the primary project. The secondary project would be used if difficulty arises in planning or implementation of the primary project. Submit one to two pages to the Residency Program Coordinator with the following information for the primary project after review by the faculty preceptor:

  • The objectives of the study
  • Methodology that will be used for the study
  • The type of study format
  • A brief summary of the literature review performed to evaluate whether the study meets standards of clinical and scientific merit.
  • This document will be given to the Residency Program Director for sign-off of approval. It will be placed in the resident's portfolio.

April 1: Start preparation of the WSU Human Investigation Committee (HIC) request for approval of the project after receiving Residency Program Director approval. The request should follow the guidelines of the HIC and should satisfy the committee's concerns about patient safety and confidentiality of patient information. Your faculty research preceptor needs to approve the final proposal before submission to the HIC for approval.


PGY 2 Residents

September 1:  Submit a request to the WSU Human Investigation Committee (HIC) for approval of the project. Give a copy of this submission to the Residency Program Coordinator for placement in the resident's portfolio.

January 1: Begin implementation of project and the initiation of patient enrollment or record collection. Receipt of IRB approval should be in place before starting this phase.

May 1: Submit Status Report #1 to the Residency Program Coordinator. This report will be reviewed by the Residency Program Director and placed in the resident's portfolio.


PGY 3 Residents

September 1: Submit Status Report #2 to the Residency Coordinator. This report will be reviewed by the Residency Program Director and placed in your portfolio.

May 1: Submit Status Report #3 to the Residency Program Coordinator.


More recently we have restructured our research curriculum to organize it into four "research groups" based on area of interest:

1) General OB/GYN
2) Gyn Oncology
3) Maternal-Fetal Medicine
4) Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI)


Dr. MorGil G. Mor, M.D., Ph.D
Research Director